Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Global warming

So, im standing at a bus stop waiting for a bus when i get to meet this charming old man.

Now dont get me wrong folks. Im not one for talking to strange drunk men, but this one got to talk to me before getting drunk, what a nice bloke.

Anyway, after talking to him i thought i wuold get round to my global warming blog.

Some interesting facts:

There are 7 billion people on this planet and if we all had cars, and fridges and all the other stuff we had to get rid of due to global warming - i mean really maxed out, we would only make up 18% of this planets total o2 immisions.

34% comes from land - all those bubbling vocanos and caves etc

and the daddy of the all is the sea! 48%!!!!

...and sadly i cant remember where the other 10% went but it was minimal and nothing could be done about it anyway.

But when i was a kid the weather was nothing like it was today. I remember regular snow in winter. I remember cold autumns. But then i remember lots of things.

One of the things i remember was the map of the world. huge patches of lush green lands accross our great global landscape. And today i saw a map with not so many green bits! You know we have wiped out so many trees globally its a miracle we dont look like Mars. We were flattening trees across the globe before we long before we all knew what a rain forest was, or what it did, or how it played its part in maintaining our delicate planetary system. We have wiped out some of the oldest tress in the world for crops and roads and cities and factories. and well, just to change the view! we have hacked away at trees in the last 200 years as if they were going out of fashion and i think its safe to say (thinking of our recent floods) its cost us big time!

Deserts getting bigger, all that ice melting - the face of this planet is in the process of change and there is nothing we can do about it, well we could. And in fact, as this is my blog and i can rant all i like, i shall say, instead of sending our fine troops to pointless wars in dusty desert lands, why not send them to fend for unprotected forests? why not have them develop a military plan for replanting? Instead of telling people about doing something about the 8% they are producing now.

And dont even get me started on global dimming!

Remember Dinosaurs? As i recall they started eating a lot of trees too and they got hit not only by a meteor, but there was also a plum earthquake that also set of the blackening of the sky lasting longer than the effects of the meteor. (told you i was a geek)

I believe gods once walked this planet, the dinosaurs and probably a few other things as well. the the ones that have lasted are remembered in some way. Gods in stories and worship, Dinosaurs in rock and Barney. How will we be remembered when we are no more? will we be known as the ones who thought we could stop a change, but didnt think we could create one.

who knows. Blog

Hope you are all well you wonderful people. Even you baldy.

Sunday, 22 July 2007

This last few days

Ya know folks i have had a quiet few days. well, sort of. but they have been quiet. Went to a conference, where i go to soak up more information (yep! im a

Got to see old friends - and may i say, Hi, you looked well QV, good luck in your coming years, sorry i didnt say goodbye - you know me and crowds, and i wish you love and happiness to you and yours.

I got to shake my thang on the dance floor - now that was rare, people would pay good money to see that i can tell you!

I got to relive my teenage rock years.

I got to prove that i am brilliant again on a small number of occasions

I got to see others being brilliant too.

And as i return to life following my essay hell. i see the world is a changing place. Nothing is the same as it was and we are not who we used to be.

I feel we have missed something along the way that once made us great and it felt like a step forward. i feel we used to live in a world that cared, in world where thoughts counted, where feelings counted, where action counted. Do you remember the days when being a Myrtr ment something? me too, where did they go? there was a time when if a person set fire to themselves on the steps of london, as a nation, we stopped in our tracks and listened to why and gave support to the beliefs of someone who felt they had to do such a thing to prove a point. I remember the days when a rally was a right to protest, and was seen as such; as opposed to today where only subversives do that kind of thing.

I remember a time when what we had was creative spark. something completely new would come out and amaze the world. A time when tried and tested hard work was the only thing that made it through the ranks of talent, as opposed to "you look like a star", come and play this formula.

I remember a time when we as a people could move mountains by our sheer will to do so.

I remember a time when we had time.

But i look and see a snapshot world of short attention span, of care-less attitudes, of what kind of idiot sets fire to themselves. A world where formula is written into history and set in stone. But no one cares anymore so the stone becomes irrelavant. I rememeber when great art ment something, when great singers ment something, when ideas where created with, and dilivered with passion, and from the heart and from what we new to be great minds.

Where are those days? why did they go? why did we let them go?

What am i saying? i guess im saying that i feel we live in a world of plastic and not substance.

I miss the old world. - god bless the 70s

Wow! Ive been tagged - by KAHLESS :o)

Before i start the radom fact woffle, may i just say how chuffed i am that i have been taged. - i feel all blessed and warm inside. thanks for not letting go.

ok, so first the rules...

The rules:

1. Let others know who tagged you.

2. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.

3. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.

4. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged.

So 8 Random facts about The Silent Observer.

1: Im a bit of a hippy - not hippy looking, more hippy mentality. and i have a lovely smile.

2: I love being me, and find confirmation that being me is a good thing on a regular basis. (wow, how big headed did that sound??) Oh im far from perfect, but i just really like being me cuz im wonderful, for all the right reasons.

3: Had my first kiss aged 6. well not kiss kiss, but you know... Kiss ;o)

4: I love watching people. I love watching what goes on in there minds when something completely different is being displayed physically. You can only imagine how much i love my work. best jobs in the world! Having said that, i do struggle with crowds but people are amazing things.

5: I used to be a photographer, security guard, fashion designer, programmer, web designer and hypnotherapist before doing what im doing now. My next career will be writing.

6: my brother gave me my name! - what kind of parent lets their kid take the piss like that?

7: In a past life i was a slave who was castrated and hamstrung before the age of 17. and I once gave an old man the power to walk again and i didnt even touch him.

8: And my claim to fame... Ulrika Johnson gave me the "all knowing look" - Yep! that one! and it was accompanied by a cheeky smile and a sneeky wink. many years ago now, but she did.

...And as i dont actually know 8 people i have to change the last rule.

I would love to pick annoymous be fat chance of that - my big sister says it all in her last comment - Show yourself. :o)

So as i look down my list and wonder who still comes - i pick J.J, J.J J.J J.J you have been tagged!.

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

My apologies by the way.

Syler didnt get me no, but the Hatian has been stopping me from using my power to

only joking, have just come to the end of my very own assignment hell and needed to recover, so many sorries for not having been here but now a new time is born. Time of the blog!

Back sunday, see you then loved ones and watchers.

Love you all, The Silent O. :o)

Just a quick one till sunday

Just a quick one till sunday, my apologies to all for having been away so long - sorry.

But i am back now and you just know i have to comment on the last heros!

Petrelli's Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

now dont get me wrong folks, the episode iteslf doesnt get an Oscar. Was i disappointed - No really, no. It wasnt the the glorious bangfest i had hoped for (keep it clean!) but what it did do was pave the way for more great sci-fi in the next series.

Who could be worse that Syler? who did the invisible guy train other than peter? what will mother petrelli do now her destiny weaving has been blown apart? will peter come back? Will Syler? and what will become of our beloved Hiro?? i so cat wait to tune it, but... It must be handled better than the ending of this last series with didnt end with a bang.

Silent O - peace out!x