Wednesday, 18 July 2007

My apologies by the way.

Syler didnt get me no, but the Hatian has been stopping me from using my power to

only joking, have just come to the end of my very own assignment hell and needed to recover, so many sorries for not having been here but now a new time is born. Time of the blog!

Back sunday, see you then loved ones and watchers.

Love you all, The Silent O. :o)


Kahless said...

Hello again.

You have been duly restored to my blogroll!!

See you sunday.

Kahless said...


I have tagged you on a meme on Random Kahless on a post dated today.

Anonymous said...

You can take your time - thats OK.

Kahless said...

Hey anonymous; come on, stop hiding...who are you and what is thy blog?

The Silent Observer said...

thank you.x :o)

and for the tag.

and for asking anon to show

come out of the shadows, show thy self. I thought you were a passer through but you have come back. how nice. - show thy self stranger - please.

Anonymous said...

You know who I am buddy - best mate - may you burn in the 7th level of hell for the bird you fixed me up with. Not getting a blog - I got a life

The Silent Observer said...


The Silent Observer said...

Baldy baldy? whose as bald as his bald bald baby baldy? As bald as his skinny wife baldy? (I do hope thats