Sunday, 22 July 2007

Wow! Ive been tagged - by KAHLESS :o)

Before i start the radom fact woffle, may i just say how chuffed i am that i have been taged. - i feel all blessed and warm inside. thanks for not letting go.

ok, so first the rules...

The rules:

1. Let others know who tagged you.

2. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.

3. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.

4. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged.

So 8 Random facts about The Silent Observer.

1: Im a bit of a hippy - not hippy looking, more hippy mentality. and i have a lovely smile.

2: I love being me, and find confirmation that being me is a good thing on a regular basis. (wow, how big headed did that sound??) Oh im far from perfect, but i just really like being me cuz im wonderful, for all the right reasons.

3: Had my first kiss aged 6. well not kiss kiss, but you know... Kiss ;o)

4: I love watching people. I love watching what goes on in there minds when something completely different is being displayed physically. You can only imagine how much i love my work. best jobs in the world! Having said that, i do struggle with crowds but people are amazing things.

5: I used to be a photographer, security guard, fashion designer, programmer, web designer and hypnotherapist before doing what im doing now. My next career will be writing.

6: my brother gave me my name! - what kind of parent lets their kid take the piss like that?

7: In a past life i was a slave who was castrated and hamstrung before the age of 17. and I once gave an old man the power to walk again and i didnt even touch him.

8: And my claim to fame... Ulrika Johnson gave me the "all knowing look" - Yep! that one! and it was accompanied by a cheeky smile and a sneeky wink. many years ago now, but she did.

...And as i dont actually know 8 people i have to change the last rule.

I would love to pick annoymous be fat chance of that - my big sister says it all in her last comment - Show yourself. :o)

So as i look down my list and wonder who still comes - i pick J.J, J.J J.J J.J you have been tagged!.


Kahless said...

You broke rule one too!!!

The Silent Observer said...

I did? how? hand on let me read

The Silent Observer said...

Oh no! Sorry Kahless, i shall get that sorted!

The Silent Observer said...

sorted. :o)

Kahless said...


J.J said...

Hi Silent. You obviously get lots of hits from the post where I linked to you.

Thanks for the tag. Sadly I have been 'got' on this one a few times and am fast running out of new random facts but here's one to be going on with.... I can levitate people.