Thursday, 28 June 2007


Hip Hip - Horrar!!

from July 1st (and we have all seen the adverts and certainly seen the stickers - they got them in - Britain becomes a smoke free nation.

Right! im on me soap box so quiet for a moment because im not liking the way this is being handled!

Dont get me wrong folks, i think the new law is fine, smokers smoke is one of those things that we cant control, it does annoy other people and to that end it should be banned. - I dont buy into the idea of passive smoking. I believe it should be banned for the health of the individuals who start.

Whats really getting on my nerves here is the new bans link to cancer research. - did i miss something really obvious? did my parents not use certain methods of control on me as a kid? (stop windging, whats ya point O?)

My point is this - If, for one second i am to take this ban seriously (with reference to its cancer research link) why dont they take fags off the bloody shelves!!!? if you are serioius about a link to cancer research and you are to be seen to be "doing something about it"! why dont you go the whole bloody hog? take it off shelves, ban it coming into the country via tourists and smugglers, i mean a complete wipeout of tobacco related products.

Instead of this halfarsed milky tea atempt to say we are "doing something about it" - my arse!

But of course, i forgot. taking it off the shelves would create gaps in revenue, it would create significant wholes in the pockets of wolesalers and retailers and tax bill nationwide! and we cant have that!

Look, i would love to say to you all that i welcome the ban but i dont, i see this step as a piss take and a victimization of a minority group who are already in a one down position because they have the habbit.

Help, real help, a real significant step - no, the only step take in the battle against us smokers is a complete removal! do that and i will sign any document or patition needed to carry it through. But this bullshit ban that comes into effect in july is, in my view pointless. - bloody nanny state!

and for all those of you who say we shouldnt have started in the first place you only have yourselves to blame and you wont get my sympathy... - F**KOFF!

Nobody who has ever smoked truely understood what they were getting into, and once your in, well..

So there ya go! ...but i still aint finished!

I dont drink. I have done, i used to, i remember the good old days of my youth being so drunk that i had no idea how i got home and "did i pass my nother when i came in??, what did she say?? what did i say???". I have been drunk to the point of blind, to the point where i couldnt get off the floor to have a wee (yep! i did). But as i say, i dont drink now, no reason, may have the odd tot every now and then but i dont drink enough to say i drink. (what is your point man!!?)

its this, you may not think it, and you may not feel it now, but its coming. Drinking is next! they will ban drinking and the effects will be far wider spread, and much deeper felt than that of a complete smoking ban.

And you know what? the sooner the better! (of course im

I have never walked past a group of youths smoking 10 B&H and thought "I could be in big trouble here". I have never seen 15 guys kicking the shit out of 1 guy because they had 1 silk cut to many. I have never known anyone to be in fear of whats going to happen when there partner gets home because they are doing just too much Golden Vaginia!

I have had many a nurse tell me about cancer related drinking patients, I have experienced drunken violence first hand and seen so much drink related violence in my time, i have counselled drink related domestic violence victims, I have lost friends in drink related car crashes and hit and runs. I have had to wait for 4 hours bleeding in A&E while all the drink related emergencies got delt with first. I have seen the nicest people turn to animals after only a few, I have seen people compromise themselves morally and dignity wise after a few, i have seen people blow big business deals because they have had more than a few.

My point is that with teen drinking, violence domestic or otherwise, full casualty rooms on fridays and saturdays, blah blah blah - nanny is coming for you folks.

And you moderates who only have a tot, or a pint after work. you know im not talking about you, but i also know you know who i am talkig about, it not just a few, its a far more significant problem that smoking could ever be. and ok, ones anti social, one is social, but a problem is a problem. and nanny will see to it in time.

...Then who knows whats next??

Love you all, smoker drinkers and total abstainers.
Silent O


RubyShooZ said...

Hi, I'm new here (via Pixie's blog) and this post got me wondering about banning links to cancer research. I am from the US so I'm not big on the news in the UK.

Any enlightenment on this for me?



Kahless said...

Hear Hear Silent O.
(I'm just off to have a fag in the bus shelter outside work.)

The Silent Observer said...

rudyshooz! dont ban links to cancer research, you cant, well you can but dont.

although the current farce seems they have been asked to join the government media hype they do do a lot of good i believe. And i know they need the money.

One thing about the good old UK - worthy causes are always badly underfunded and if they get cash to sort out other cancer forms by jumping on the back of crap government ideas then fine, let them do it.

that my opinion anyway.

And Kahless - i intend to be at a bus-stop having a ciggy around 8am this morning just to flout the bloody ban. - we are such

RubyShooZ said...

Oh I'm not up for banning anything. It's not how I was raised nor how I want to see our world evolve!

I'm all for freedom and have long stood up for this in many ways.

I'm appalled about what I'm hearing about smoking in the UK and don't imagine I'll be coming there any time soon but here too, smokers are losing rights all the time and the world just gets smaller and smaller all the time as they take our rights away - and as people let them win.