Saturday, 30 June 2007

more stuff on Sci Fi

Ya know folks, I was watching Heros the other day and ever sinse the first episode i have been wondering what it is about Hiro that i like him so much, and its this. (Awesome power aside of course).

Hiro, to me represents the good of man! its that simple. He is such a wonderful harmless gentle soul in a world of potential bruts. Dont get me wrong, Pete Petrelli is a nice guy, but Hiro is just the warmest representation of decency that i have seen in a long time. You dont get many people like him anynmore because the world tends to step on them or beat and bully them until they are no more (Hiro of the future being a classic example), but Hiro - What a guy. Well deserve'd of a Dark Half Oscar just for being him. great bloke no mistake!

And did anyone elses blood run cold when Syler got Claire? - didnt see that coming! - Bravo!

And bloody hell wasnt DW just the second cumming! awesome episode!!!!! Oscars all round boys! and ok, i can say it here but would never admitt to anyones face, but there were tears in my eyes when he held the master and pleaded with him to regenerate - Oh to be the last one, how desperately lonely:o( - Tennant! A very special dark half oscar for you mate (cuz you know he reads my blog as youre a good actor, he'll go far that kid!

Even the guy who played the Master did an excellent job - not sure you played a brillant Master, but you did play an awesome Villan.

And Martha - outstanding!

And i shall control my Sci-fi outbursts from now (Unless Heros is mega brill on monday, in which case i just wont be able to help myself)

Love you all
The Silent O


Kahless said...

Last weeks episode of Heroes was definitely the best one so far. I hadn't worked out that Nathan was really Sylar in disguise. Oh yes, when he pointed his finger at Claires head. NOOOOO. Blood did run cold.

You just can't seem to tell the good guys from the bad ones!

And Hiro is sooo cute. He seems so pure and childlike that you just want to hug him!

And you do know the ending to the first series. You have seen it in a painting!

Kahless said...

Try this, a tribute to Hiro....

Kahless said...

Hey Silent Observer,
living up to your blogname or has Sylar caught up with you????

Anonymous said...

Martha - what a woman!

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. (If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).

Kahless said...

Silent O. Out of protest I am removing you from my blogroll. Leave a comment and I will re-instate you! :o) lol.

You tempted me with such good posts and taste in tellie and now you have buggered off. :o) lol.

Where have all my sci-fi chums gone?